We’ve had this on our website for many years, but it’s worth posting here for anyone who isn’t familiar with it.
Motorists deserve to have their rights protected. It’s the principle that the NMA was founded on:
- The right to traffic regulation based on sound engineering principles and public consensus.
- Clear guarantees that revenue collected from highway users for highway purposes be used for such purposes, and that all streets, roads, and highways be properly maintained, signed and regulated in a manner that expedites travel.
- Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure and the guarantee that all traffic stops will be based on probable cause.
- The right to choose the type of vehicle and related equipment that best meets an individual’s needs and preferences.
- Protection from discourteous and reckless drivers including those who deliberately impede traffic, who threaten other motorists with their actions, or who are impaired or incompetent.
- Freedom from unreasonable surcharges, fees, taxes, and fines.
- Complete access to all public streets, roads, and highways, free of arbitrary restrictions, exorbitant fees, or governmental attempts to dictate personal travel choices.
- Freedom from driver license suspensions or revocations for non-driving violations or matters of personal conduct.
- Protection from arbitrary and exploitative insurance industry practices.
- The right to a fair and impartial trial for traffic offenses, including a trial by jury if requested by the defendant.
Send this list to your legislators to remind them to protect your rights instead of protecting their wallets.