Motorists deserve roads that not only work, but can also be put to work. That means allowing people the freedom to travel to the destination of their choice when they want with the least amount of interference. That is a fundamental principle of the American way of life. It also means keeping roads open for the movement of goods and services that is essential for society as a whole.
Programs like Vision Zero are designed to severely limit motorized traffic in city centers, diminishing the mobility of drivers. As noted in the NMA e-newsletter, The Consequences of Intolerance, “When one class of user in a balanced ecosystem wants to reshape the rules to suit its needs, giving little regard to the others who share the same environment, the equilibrium is upset.” That imbalance is even more apparent when the dominant class, by virtue of sheer volume of participants, is being artificially restricted.
If you think we are being overdramatic, take a moment to read this perspective from a Raleigh, North Carolina resident about the city’s plan to more than double the amount of bike lanes despite having fewer than one percent of workers who bike to work and “despite concerns about the impact that those bike lanes will have on on-street parking, lanes available for cars and buses, and congestion.”
The National Motorists Association has launched a STREETS THAT WORK initiative designed to influence lawmakers and educate the public on the societal benefits of freedom of mobility. The NMA initiative is the antidote for Vision Zero, which aspires by government mandate and at great cost – fiscally and in terms of personal autonomy – to reshape urban transportation.
STREETS THAT WORK advocates for:
Fight the Vision Zero agenda by donating to the NMA and helping us fund our STREETS THAT WORK initiative. Your $50, $100, $250, $500, or greater contribution will go a long way to do just that.
Every donation, even $25, will help the cause and provide momentum in our important quest for STREETS THAT WORK and freedom of mobility for road users.
Thank you for supporting the National Motorists Association!